Saturday, April 23, 2011

But the Other's Gold

Sorry I couldn't find a better picture ...
Today, I'm thankful for my friend Larry.  This morning when I woke the back pain that has required me to sit with a heating pad on my back all week had sharpened into acute pain.  Pain so bad that it brought tears to eyes and made me break out in a sweat.  This back problem is a familiar one -- I've had it off and on for a couple of years.  It seems to be triggered by some inconsequential movement and then goes away in a couple of weeks.  This morning, however, it was bad ... so, I called Larry. 

Larry is our family doctor, but first he's a family friend.  He and Jeff go back to when they were 11 years old and top of the class at Latin School.  Larry was there 25 years ago moving our furniture into this our "new" house when we were newlyweds.  He's been there for all the events (and non-events) in our lives; he's godfather to our children and we're godparents to his.

Larry answered all the stupid questions when we were anxious young parents -- the questions we couldn't bother the pediatrician with.  My favorite is when toddler Ally got her hands on some Mylanta (stomach buffering medicine).   We called Larry to see if it would hurt her and he replied, "My God!  It'll KILL her! ... If she stands in it over her head and drowns."

It's such a blessing to able to call him when we need help -- medical or otherwise.  I hope we're a support for him too.  I just took the medicine he prescribed for me and I don't know yet whether it will relieve my pain, but it was a great relief just to call him on a Saturday morning and know that he was listening and would help if he could.  

By the way, if you're not a girl scout, the title of this post comes from an old girl scout round we used to sing:
Make new friends, but keep the old,
One is silver, but the other's gold.

1 comment:

Brandi Schoch said...

Such a wonderful friendship warmed my heart. Thanks so much for sharing with us.