Saturday, January 15, 2011

Sweet Saturday

Today's good thing is sleeping late on Saturday mornings. I love to just lie in bed all snuggly and know that I don't have to get up or be anywhere. It's a good time to think and sort things out.
Things are looking up. Yesterday, I hired a new housekeeping service. After the debacle with the last one, which included a pickup truck full of stuff stolen from my garage, we've been cleaner-less for about 2 months. I certainly haven't been in any shape to do much cleaning, so the house has been in extreme disarray. Hopefully, the new service will be as efficient and reliable as it seems.
Today, I'm going to organize all my Mom's estate stuff in file folders. I need to get a good grip on what needs to be done before tax season kicks in.
Have a good weekend!

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