Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall is Here

Thanks to the girls' helping me clean out the basement last summer, this morning I could quickly locate the Halloween decorations and put them up -- for the first time in years.  The scarecrow sitting in the chair is named Raymond for Ray Bolger, who played the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz. 

I'm not really into scary Halloween stuff (although I did once make severed fingers for a girl scout Halloween bake sale -- they were delicious, but didn't really sell for some reason). One of the families down the street used to really get into it when their kids were young.  They had coffins on the lawn and monster make-up and gruesome murders.  I heard on the radio about a display in Georgia (I think) that looks like someone has been trapped under a riding mower and blood is everywhere.  It apparently gets 911 calls every year from surprised and concerned people. 

To each his own.  I don't really want gruesome death that close to me. So, I go with the happy jack-o-lanterns and cutesy costumes. 

I continue to be delighted with the new rabbitry.  Larry came over and watched the Bengals game with us yesterday and he was amused by watching Andy chase Genny all over the pen.  I'm pretty confident that Andy's shooting blanks.  For one, the vet said so.  For two, a few weeks ago I held her in position and let him do his best.  I don't think he actually even got the deed accomplished.  Anyway, there were no results.  So, I'm sometimes letting them out together.  Genny is quite capable of getting away from him or putting him in his place when he gets too frisky -- and she's so heavy that it won't hurt her to run around the pen a bit.  

This morning, I've got Genny out alone.  I need to see if she's learned how to get back into the hutch.  Andy caught on quickly and yesterday he hopped in and out several times, as if he were testing the system.  Genny doesn't seem quite as bright as Andy.  She's mastered coming down the ramp out of the hutch, but she hasn't shown much inclination to get back in.  In fact, she's dug a little scrape right under Andy's hutch in the shade and she likes to hang out there.  This is not ideal, of course, because IT'S RIGHT UNDER ANDY'S HUTCH.  It's essentially Andy's bathroom.  I need to figure out how to discourage this behavior ... and fast.  I tried putting the butterfly net that I use to help catch them over the scrape.  I thought it would have negative connotations and she would avoid it.  But, no.  She settled in and calmly began to chew holes in the net and push it out of her way.    


Brandi said...

Thankfully Andy is shooting blanks or you would have more buns than you bargained for. I have a similar run I set up separately in the barn during the winter and outside during the summer. It's fun to watch them play isn't it? I love watching them do binkys:)

WoolyWorm said...

I love the binkys too! I don't think Genny has figured out the ramp. I tried to lure her back into the hutch with some dandelion greens and instead of going up the ramp, she went under the hutch and pulled them through the wire bottom. Either she's not smart or she's too smart!