Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The First Tomato

Today's good thing is the first home grown tomato of summer.  This year I planted five tomato plants, and -- surprisingly -- they're all doing great.  I think the wet spring must have helped because usually my tomato plants shrivel up or sucumb to some disease or just act puny.  This year they look robust and bursting with life. 

I admit, I did lose one to the rabbits (or something).  When it was just small, something ate it right down to the ground.  But, undetered, I replaced it with a Better Boy from Walmart and the replacement is doing fine.  Four of the five (not the Better Boy) are heirloom tomatoes.  I've got two Cherokee Purple and a Principe Borghese and an heirloom bush tomato that I threw in the cart when I bought the Better Boy. 

Jeff loves caprese salads made with fresh sliced tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil, and in a few weeks he should be able to eat them to his heart's content. 

1 comment:

Lilac Haven said...

None of ours are ripe yet. I can't wait.