Friday, December 19, 2008

Remind me ...

Next year, remind me not to knit things as Christmas gifts. There is no way I'm getting all of this done.

I planned four knitted gifts and I think I'm going to finish two. The third is very close to done and can be given unfinished with a promise to finish it soon. The fourth I began from raw fleece and angora fur and so it's an accomplishment that I got the yarn done. I'll give the yarn and a pattern and promise.

Yipes! This makes knitting not fun. The whole point of knitting is that it's supposed to be a relaxing leisure activity. Not so much when you have a deadline ...

On the lighter side: If you want to see unbearable cuteness, check out Annette's blog. Her new satin babies are adorable ... and full of Christmas spirit!

1 comment:

Lilac Haven said...

I like the yarn and that's a good idea about giving it with a promise. I was going to do the same on a couple things. I scrambled to get one item made and still have a hat left. I'll do it easy this weekend. Glad you are enjoying my babies.