Saturday, June 18, 2011


Today's good thing is that the scale finally tipped below 200 and stayed there!  I vowed that I wouldn't report it until it stayed below 200 for three days in a row because of the variability of weight and the vagaries of scales in general.  Last weekend it tipped below 200 for two days and then popped right back up, much to my dismay.  But for the past three days, I have been in the 100s!!!  I know it's only a pound difference one way or another, but it's a mental hurdle for me. 

Last Sunday, Kate and I went shopping and I reached another goal -- I actually shopped in the regular ladies department!  I didn't have to go to the Women's or Plus Size departments.  I actually bought a pair of capri pants in the ladies petite department -- and they FIT!  Of course, it was the largest size the petite department offered, but it was the REGULAR LADIES DEPARTMENT. 

Anyone who has never experienced the Women's department probably can't understand the mild humiliation of having to go to a completely different department from the other ladies.  There is less selection, most of the pants are polyester, most of the tops are tent-like -- it's simply less stylish and poorer quality.  In nicer stores, the dressing rooms are actually larger -- and that's nice -- but, overall, you don't want to be in the Women's department.  

After watching me try on several t-shirts, Kate insisted that I go directly to the lingerie department and buy some new bras.  I've been wearing the old ones because they're comfortable -- apparently too comfortable.  I had a lady measure me and I needed to go down by three sizes and one cup size.  Even I had to admit that the t-shirts looked better with the correct size bra underneath (even though it felt tight).

So, that's my news of the day.  I hope it doesn't bounce back up tomorrow.  There are no guarantees -- I've been eating chocolate covered almonds (a compromise between healthy protein-filled almonds and delicious chocolate). :) 

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